Sixth wave 🌊

Covid-19 Sixth wave Sixth wave 🌊  is knocking on Israel’s doors. It happens when we finally got approval to go back to work in the factory. The new Variant is called BA2, and I am not sure why it did not got a nice Greek letter like the other ones.

China seems to be already in it, as the cases number in the country hit two years record high. It might be part of the Fifth Omicron wave, with China supplying only a small amount of information of the outbreaks of Covid-19 virus in the country. The number of new cases is still small, even compare to a country small as Israel, but with the Zero- Covid strategy if has big effect on the economy.

Those have been around two years since this Covid-19 virus has broke into our life. We learned much since then about ourselves, our kids, the government’s rule in our life. It comes when an article estimates the real death cases of the pandemic to 3 times more than what was officially reported at the end of 2021: 18.2 million and not 5.9 million. It is still only out of a world population of 8 billion people. Meaning the Covid-19 virus pandemic killed about 0.23% of the population. Nowhere near the Black Death that killed 60% of Europe’s population or the Spanish flu that killed 5% of the world population.
So hopefully, it will all end soon, and we would accept the Covid-19 virus as part of our life.

The world focusis still on The war on Ukraina, where the cease-fire negotiations as some optimistic results. But as we know from our wars it does not necessarily mean it will end soon.

Take Care

Israel daily new cases, does not seem like it is dropping to zero (source: - sixth wave

Israel daily new cases, does not seem like it is dropping to zero (source:

Israel daily deaths graph, this one is dropping to near zero (source: - sixth wave
Israel daily deaths graph, this one is dropping to near zero (source:

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