Maktesh Ramon Carpentry

After visiting the Stone, Wind, Water and water sit in the middle of Maktesh Ramon we had a quick stop at the Carpentry (HaMinsara).

The place is a small hill that show a geological phenomena in which Magma raised close to earth surface. It made the sandstone to metamorphose into quartzite. When the Quartzite cold down, it created hexagonal and pentagonal prismas (just like in Meshusim stream). Those prismas were covered in black desert varnish and were carried down and covered the hill.

The trail is very easy as you have a nice raised walkway almost all the way up to the top. You can go down the same way or follow the arrows down on the other side of the hill. Mindal was too angry to get out of the car, so Jannaeus, Xuxa and I quickly climbed and went down the hill in only 15 minutes to find the car locked. We looked up and show Atzva picking up Mindal to he shoulders and go down.

Our fellow hikers (Atzva brother, his pregnant wife and two small kids) decided to skip the trail and to cool down at the fountains in the middle of Mitzpe Ramon. This a new trend that spreads in Israel – playing fountains where you can get wet and cool down during the hot summer days.

The fountains are just in front of the new commercial center in the town that holds branches of Israel big stores. Today Aba would not had to visit me in the desert and bring me a new pair of trekking shoes, because there was no place to buy shoes in Mizpe Ramon.

Take Care

Maktesh Ramon Carpentary hill from below and the trail up

Maktesh Ramon Carpentry hill from below and the trail up

The memorial sign on the trail head

The memorial sign on the trail head

The trail up. Because the dry wind that blow the synthetic rope that used as a guardrail was charged with static- electricity and I got electracoted each time I touch it - Maktesh Ramon Carpentary

The trail up. Because the dry wind that blow the synthetic rope that used as a guardrail was charged with static-electricity and I got electroplated each time I touch it.

The black quartzite prismas that cover the hill

The black quartzite prismas that cover the hill

Clear explanation sign half the way up the hill - Maktesh Ramon Carpentary

Clear explanation sign half the way up the hill

Panoramic view from the top of the Carpentry

Panoramic view from the top of the Carpentry

Pentagonal prisma on top of the hill - Maktesh Ramon Carpentary

Pentagonal prisma on top of the hill

Back to the car. The small figure on top of the hill is Atzva and Mindal

Back to the car. The small figure on top of the hill is Atzva and Mindal

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