Watch ⌚

I don’t like wearing a watch, like any other jewelry or accessory. But when called up for military reserve I need a watch.

It is not that I cannot use my cellphone, better use it as little as I can as battery is always an issue when you are called up for military reserve.

I can say that watch can be covered so I can be kept hidden, but in the last training I opened my cellphone to navigate to the point we had to blow up stuff. So you can say this is not really a reason.

In the last reserve training the watch run out of battery. I got it for my drafting, as this one of the things a new soldier need. You need to see you stand the times given by the commander in basic training – mostly to run to the wall and back as a punishment.

Looking back it held for over 20 years on one battery (!). The real issue was to find a place to replace the battery, as those placed become less and less common. Lucky me I found a place not far in Ramat Gan.

The kind of watch I use is a G-Shock model. The first time I show it was on 9th grade when one of the kids in class (Eran brother) got one when is relatives came back from USA.

His relatives were so excited about this watch been unbreakable they started throwing it on the school walls checking how much strong it is. The problem was that most of the school walls were gypsum, so after couple of hits the watch made a whole in the wall…

Take Care

My watch, without battery, and the same model (just above it in the shop window)My watch, without battery, and the same model (just above it in the shop window) still been sold