Warping books 馃摉

Aba used to love warping books. He no longer do it. Maybe he realized how much waste of time it is for him, or he does not have a time for it.

You probably remember the amount of books Aba had in our old home (when they moved and we took all the books out, you could see how big the apartment really is) He used to accumulate those saying he will read them all when he will retire. He retired and he prefer to spent time with his grandsons than read books – he say they are the interest of the investment he put in us, hos kids (He generally says he has less time now then he worked full time).

I spent Yum Kippur reading, as I always do, while Atzva was biking with Jannaeus and Mindal across the city (I walked along Mindal, in the evening when it was cold).

I realized the book I am reading is warped. I take most of the books I read from the train station library (it is a stand full of books you can take and leave whenever you like). Those are books people leave there, like the books I find in the streets and bring it there.

The books from the train station are not warped, guess nobody wrap a book he buy for his home. And nobody from the station care enough about the books to wrap them.

But the book I was reading (We are the living, by Ayn Rand) was warped. That because Atzva picked it up from Ramat Gan library. I guess they care about their books to wrap it.

Aba plastic sleeve to wrap his books: he cut it down, and used a sellotape to attach to the inner side of the cover. Unlike Aba they have a machine doing it. Maybe we should Aba the machine for his 70 birthday next year, so he wrap all his books.

Take Care

The plastic sleeve Aba used to cut down - Warping books
The plastic sleeve Aba used to cut down

The inner side of a warped book hold down with a sellotape - Warping books
The inner side of a warped book hold down with a sellotape

A warped book (the book is I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson)
A warped book (the book is I Don’t Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson)

A library book inner side. Warped using Colibri Cover System for warping books
A library book inner side. Warped using Colibri Cover System for warping books

The warped book We the Living by Ayn Rand - Warping books
The warped book We the Living by Ayn Rand


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