Elections 2022

Elections 2022 are the fifth round of elections in 3 years and it seems there will be the last for some time. The Right wing parties had managed to achieve 64 sits out of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament).

For the first time Atzva and I have voted to parties on the same side of the political map, if you can call it that way – parties which are out of the game as they did not pass the election thershold. Atzva voted to the Jewish home (the same party she had voted for in last elections) but now on the lead of Ayelet Shaked as Naftali Bennet had resigned.

I had voted for my party, Meretz, might be for the last time. I do not what will happen in the next elections and if we will survive as a party outside of the Knesset. After 30 years straight in the Knesset we are out. It seems a clear saying of what Israel is becoming.

It could have prevented if Ha’avoda party would agreed to merge with Meretz and rum together. I am not sure that would prevented Bibi become a PM again but would at least make it harder for him.

This Knesset will be with lot less woman in it (although they are 50% of the population), a lot less Arabs (although the are a big minority in Israel) and much more left wing. Itamar Ben Gvir will lead the third largest party in the Knesset, the men who threatened Rabin two weeks before his assassination and had a portrait of the Jewish terrorist Baruch Goldstein in his living room.

The only comfort we can have from elections 2022 is that there will not be another session soon. We had a stamp of what we really are…

Take Care

Outside the voting area
Outside the voting area

Jannaeus collected all the stickers he could get - Elections 2022
Jannaeus collected all the stickers he could get

So many parties, only a few really relevant - Elections 2022
So many parties, only a few really relevant

Voting for Meretz (like in all the other elections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ), might be for the last time. - Elections 2022
Voting for Meretz (like in all the other elections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ), might be for the last time.
After the vote we took a train to Haifa to catch the Carmelit.

The results

The bottom line - left wing current coalition with 54 and the coalition Bibi can create - 62 (it went up to 64)
The bottom line – left wing current coalition with 54 and the coalition Bibi can create – 62 (it went up to 64).


Meretz party symbols along the yearsMeretz party symbols along the years

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