Punschkrapfen 馃嵃

For me, those Punschkrapfen Austrian cakes are an old memory from Garlitz bakery. I remember it was a special event when Ima used to come home with those cakes instead of Garlitz ordinary jam cookies or chocolate cookies.

When I had work at Jerusalem, I stopped at the bakery and they did not even understand what I am talking about. When I asked Ima a couple of years ago why they no longer make those cakes, she said they were making them for special invitations for special occasions (weddings, Bar Mitzvah and so) and used to sell the leftovers. Now they just don’t make them at all.

Of course, I did not know those are Austrian cakes, and till today I did not know it. When Ima pull them out from Fatma’s refrigerator (we all visited her housewarming) I cried out: “Garlitz made them again?” Ignoring the fact Ima and Aba just landed from a week in Vienna 馃槒

Yes, what Garlitz bakery used to make was more of a triangle shape (as a slice of a cake), and in black, brown and white colors. But maybe I just do not remember right…

Trying to eat one of those pink-covered cube-shaped cakes I realized I better cut it into two, and take a rest between the two pieces. The nice comfort feeling I got when done with the first part, are not because聽 the cake is so heavy. But it made me realized the sponge and nougat are soaked with rum. And they are sweeeet, just I love and remember them 馃檪

Take Care

Wow! So many and they are all for me! (I had to share them in the end...)Wow! So many and they are all for me! (I had to share them in the end…)

PLook on those layers of sponge cake, nougat and biscuit covered with sweet pink cover and an alcoholic cherry on top - PunschkrapfenLook on those layers of sponge cake, nougat and biscuit covered with sweet pink cover and an alcoholic cherry on top


Already high from the rum in this Punschkrapfen, and I am only half way there...Already high from the rum in this Punschkrapfen, and I am only half way there…

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