Choosing elementary school 🏫

When I was a kid Ima and Aba did not have the privilege of choosing an elementary school for us. We were just sent out to the nearest non-religious and non-ultra-Orthodox elementary school (it later become the very far, and just the far school – but that is for another post). The same can be said for Atzva who just went to the elementary school in her settlement.

But now on Ramat-Gan, we have this privilege: we can choose between several elementary schools within walking distance of Jannaeus.

We spend our free Friday morning visiting open days in those schools and understanding what they proposing.

One, and the farthest emphasize speech and lecturing skills. While the other, closer, is a combined religious and non-religious school. The closest school, 200 m away, is an art and science school.

The combined religious and non-religious school was a good option, but it might be too religious for us, and it not might be the community we wish to be in (very warm as they meet at least every Friday evening and every Saturday morning for a hike)

As the schools seem to give pretty much the same amount of educational level the question became – which community do we wish to belong to? As those are the parents of Jannaeus’s (and probably Mindal’s) friends so we will spend most our time with them – whether we like to or not.

I do not like to define myself, but it seems that choosing elementary school is one those points in life you have to think not only about the technical aspects of it but also about the idology. But in the end will probably just choce the closest elemantry school

Take Care

An invitation to Usha elementary school open Friday - choosing elementary schoolAn invitation to Usha elementary school open Friday

An invitation to Givolim elementary school open Friday - choosing elementary schoolAn invitation to Givolim elementary school open Friday