Amniotic fluid test 🤰

We were sent to have an Amniotic fluid test, you might clearly understand that Atzva is pregnant again (thank you for congratulations in advance 🙂).

It is a boy, and as you know he will hopefully join Jannaeus and Mindal, Xuxa and Petel we are already filling the house 🙂

As we are old nowadays we had to make that test, as the older the woman gets the higher the risk of genetic problems for the fetus. In Israel, you are sent over for genetic checks even before you get pregnant to realize how genetically dangerous getting pregnant might be (not that I ever heard of a couple not getting pregnant because of it, but combined with other checks it might lead to the decision to stop the pregnant).

As Atzva and my grandparents are coming from different origins: mine are Ashkenazi while Atzva’s grandparents are from India and Northern Africa (what referred to  Sephardi) we did not have to take any further genetic checks apart from the very basic checks done.

Fatma (my little sister as you remember) had to take an Amniotic fluid test although she is young, as she and her husband are both Ashkenazi and their genetics checks showed a high chance for genetic diseases.

After the test, the pregnant woman had to rest. In Fatma’s case, it meant – you cannot even go out and take something to drink. But the doctor explained it means – taking care of your needs but letting Gad takes care of the kids.

Take Care

The Amniotic fluid test from my point of view: you can see the doctor holding up the injector. Atzva was nervous this morning, looking at the long needle one can understand why. Later she said she was worried I will pass out when I see what will happen (lucky me I could see little of what was done...)The Amniotic fluid test from my point of view: you can see the doctor holding up the injector. Atzva was nervous this morning, looking at the long needle one can understand why. Later she said she was worried I will pass out when I see what will happen (lucky me I could see little of what was done…)

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