Night of protests

This was a night of protests that will enter the history of protests in Israel and Israel history. As Hebrew phrase says A night to the Pantheon.

As minister of defense, Yoav Gallant finally stood up yesterday alerted against the dangers in the judicial reform using as a mouth to the IDF generals. Our PM, Bibi Netanyahu, quickly resigned him from his office about a day later (around 21:00).

From that point, it was a snowball going down the hill. Protests broke all around Israel (22:00), mainly in Tel-Aviv, where Ayalon Highway was closed with protestors gathered set on the road around camp fires until 3:00 in the morning. And in Jerusalem where the protestors broke the fences around PM house and got closer than ever.

The heads of the universities joined in, and at 1:00, the head of Histadrut (Israel’s national trade union center, which represents about 800,000 workers) was seen on the protests calling Shame along with the protestors.

Today at 10:00 he declared on a general strike: Israel was closed. No landings and departures on Ben Gurion Airport, the municipalities declared a strike, and at some point, people rushed to the gas stations of fear they would not be able to drive home. At 12:00 the shopping malls were closed. Protests were all around Israel roads, and you could probably find one no more than a km away from you.

Finally, today at 20:00, Bibi announced a time-out of judicial reform. Saying it will be postponed until after Passover. He could not say it without blaming the protestors and describing us as a minority who wishes to tear apart the country (what Bibi does for about 20 years), use violence (while the social networksare full of stories of attacks by the right wing protestors), threatening to hurt politicians (said the the man who was part of the protests against Yizhak Rabin Zl), create a civil war and call out to refuse to serve in the army (her referred to who serves in reserve duty, but all that serves in there need to be there by law but in the end those are only 1% on population and we are volunteering).

In order to postpone the reform he had pay Ben Gvir – by promising him a his own militon (The national Guard”).

And what now? The strike had ended, but the protests would not end now (tonight we kept protesting in Kaplan) . Yesterday, we got to a point where the citizens understand they do not have to set and watch the politicians break down Israel.

Take Care

I do feel I heard that crap before from him...
I do feel I heard that crap before from him… (Source: Reddit/r/Isr)

You F***ed with the wrong generation (Source: Reddit/r/Isr)

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