Paralyzing day

Today, we had the fourth day of mid week protests against the judicial reform. This week, it was named Paralyzing Day. As we had on mid week protests before, the idea was to stop the life in Israel: roads, airport, ports, etc.

As the judicial reform keeps going forward and our time is running out next week, a full week of paralyzing is planned to prevent the rules of the reform.

In the evening, a protest march was going into Beni Barak – a Big Haredi (ultra-orthodox) city near Ramat-Gan. It was a short protest, and although I lived nearby, I missed it. At least it seemed to be some conversations between the two sides.

It seems that one of the major ministers planned to call out to stop the reform, but he was called down by Bibi. Which, in turn, had a conference meeting in which he declared the reform will not stop.

The first rule of the judicial reform had passed , which means Bibi will not be called out as incapable of serving as Prime Minister. And altougth is he under trail in the same judicial system he wishes to reform he promised to get in and to help Levin in the crisis as this is time of emergency.

Yes, the crisis he has created.
Yes, the judicial system he is being judged in.
Yes, although he is not allowed as he agreed in when he has been chosen to serve as PM, although he is under accusations.

Take Care

Main protest on Kaplan Street - Paralyzing dayMain protest on Kaplan Street on Paralyzing day

Ayalon Highway to North is closed - Paralyzing dayAyalon Highway to North is closed

The Jam on Ayalon Highway to the south is it closed tooThe Jam on Ayalon Highway to the south is it closed too

Easy access ladders from the fences that are supposed to prevent us from going down to Ayalon Highway - Paralyzing dayEasy access ladders from the fences that are supposed to prevent us from going down to Ayalon Highway

Down in Ayalon Highway - Paralyzing dayDown in Ayalon Highway

Jabotisky Road on Bnei Barak closed on one end
Jabotisky Road on Bnei Barak closed on one end

And on the other - Paralyzing dayAnd on the other

In Beni Barak - Free Drinks and Free Food to our brothers from Tel-AvivIn Beni Barak – Free Drinks and Free Food to our brothers from Tel-Aviv

Well, they are brothers as well, and that did not prevent him from F***ing her...- Paralyzing dayWell, they are brothers as well, and that did not prevent him from F***ing her…