12th week of protests

It is the 12th weekend in a row of protests against the judicial reform (or judicial overhaul of you ask me).

The main protest at Kaplan Street at Tel-Aviv seems to be the largest one I have seen till this day (and I was late, for I for Jannaeus and Mindal to sleep before I leave for the protest).

As the protest ended, people were marching towards Ayalon Highway. Fences were set along the places we used to go down to the road on weeks that had passed. This time, instead of looking for new places to sneak in, the fences were pulled down, which allowed a mass of people to get down at once and clise the road.

The first few got wet as the Makhtazit (water canon) tried to stop them. I got wet, too, as I climbed up to help people step down the slopes of the road.

In the meanwhile, none of those protests, along the weeks, managed to convince the ministers and the prime minister to stop the judicial reform (apart from the minister of defense, Gallant, who was pull back quickly by Bibi before he will be able to announce he reject the reform). The next law online (after the law that prevents the Supreme Court from declaring a PM as incapable of serving) will be the law that allows Arieh Deri (a convicted minister) to serve as a minister again, although he signed an agreement he will no be able to after he was sent to jell.

Take Care

Physicans for Democracy in the main protest in Kaplan Street - 12th week of protests
Physicians for Democracy in the main protest in Kaplan Street

Walking forward, Ayalon Highway
Walking forward, Ayalon Highway

Reminds me for a second the picture from the French Revolution - Libery leading the people - 12th week of protests
Reminds me for a second the picture from the French Revolution – Libery leading the people

The Makhtazit uses its water canon in an attempt to prevent the protestors from going down to Ayalon Highway
The Makhtazit uses its water canon in an attempt to prehttps://youtu.be/89BnmPHJaQUvent the protestors from going down to Ayalon Highway on the 12th week of protests

 - 12th week of protests
It did not prevent us from going down to the road. The largest crowd since the sixth week protest when the police had opened the fences.

Single protestor in front of the police force raising a sign saying Restrictions on serving time for politicians
Single protestor in front of the police force raising a sign saying Restrictions on serving time for politicians

Look at Ayalon Highway road structure (sorry, I could not hold it...) - 12th week of protests
Look at Ayalon Highway road structure (sorry, I could not hold it…)

protestor sitting quietly with his sleepers and smoking a cigarette...
A protestor sitting quietly with his sleepers and smoking a cigarette…

... And being arrested - 12th week of protests.
.. And being arrested

Setting road blocks (the Makhtazit went through them easily)
Setting road blocks (the Makhtazit went through them easily)

The protestors were stooped at Arlozerov interchange. - 12th week of protests
The protestors were stooped at Arlozerov interchange.