18th week of protests – guns

This is the 18th week in a row of protests against the judicial reform (or better called the judicial overhaul). While the government is paralyzing itself, claiming the reform is the first and most important thing that needs to be dealt with.

This is why Israel is drowning under a wave of violence: 93 citizens were murdered (71 of them Arabs), when 15 of them were murdered this week. This is twice the number of murders last year. And the government has better things to deal with.

It is not the wave of terror that flooded Israel (when 19 people murdered) exactly when PM Bibi decided to fire minister of defense Gallant for calling to stop the reform (which led to Night of Protests).

But you cannot untie the West bank violence from the violence inside the Green Line. When you have a hammer, each problem looks like a nail. And while people can not order a passport or a license for a gun, whole the 2nd is being taken care of so people can have a gun (against protest against terror attacks), the first are been left aside. It shows pretty clear what is on the top priority for this government.

Aba used to hold a pistol at home during Second Intifada (he was working in Ministry of education and was allowed to carry one). He used to keep it in a safe (and now we can not open because no one remembers the code). Only a month ago, Ima told us how she once found Guri (my younger brother) playing with pistol. Lucky us, Aba kept the bolts in a separate place…

Take Care



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