
I packed the kids and drove 15 minutes to the Hiriya site (or it has been called today Ariel Sharon Park.

The place used to be the main Damp of Tel-Aviv, and the cities from 1954 till 1998. During the years, the rubbish hill had raised up to 60m above its surroundings, holding about 16 million cubic meters of garbage.

The place had become a hazard to surroundings: the birds raised above it became dangerous to airplanes taking off and landing the near Ben Gurion Airport, the smell was inconvenient for the settlements around it, water flawing down from the mountain had polluted the aquifer, the methane gas accomilated inside the hill and might explode and more.

The dump was closed in 1998, and parlimenry actions were taken to take of hazards: covering the hill with dirt, strengthening the slopes, arrenging the drainage around the hill and drilling wells to pump the methane gas.

Later, the top of the hill was arranged, and it is now a green park with panorama all around and a stage for show. In the future, the valley that Ayalon stream flwas in (between the hill and Shalem farm) will be one big park.

This dump was named after the Arab village that was there before Al-Khayiryya (meaning “the good”). Ironically – nowadays Hiriya is used as a word for bad things

Take Care

The park on top of the mountain

The sign in entrance to the park on top Hiriya The sign in entrance to the park on top Hiriya

Way side story – recycled concrete

North panoramic view towards Ramat Gan and Givataim

The sheds over the westren panorama - HiriyaThe sheds over the westren panorama

Westren panorama view - HiriyaWestren panorama view

The plan of the park between Kfar Shalem and the Hiriya over Ayalon stream - HiriyaThe plan of the park between Shalem farm and the Hiriya over Ayalon stream

West panorama

Looking west over Tel-Aviv- HiriyaLooking west over Tel-Aviv

The skyscrapers of Tel-Aviv, they being built so fast the sign is not updated - HiriyaThe skyscrapers of Tel-Aviv, they being built so fast the sign is not updated

Tel-Aviv skyscrapers - HiriyaTel-Aviv skyscrapers

The shows area on top of the hill - HiriyaThe shows area on top of the hill

Looking on the stage from the side - HiriyaLooking on the stage from the side

Way side story - collecting the gas - HiriyaWay side story – collecting the gas

Looking south - HiriyaLooking south

The heart of the hill - HiriyaThe heart of the hill

The lake in the middle of the hill

Side story way – where is the garbage

Supporting the slopes