30th week of protests against the judicial reform – schisms

When I was in high school, they taught us in Civics class that there are 5 schisms in Israeli society: Jewish and Arabs, Religious Jews and non-religious Jews, Ethnic groups, Political- Ideology, and the one over social – economic class.

Our Prime Minister, Bibi, managed to take each and every one of those
schisms, play on it, and make it deeper and deeper. Why – because it helped him to keep himself as Prime Minister.

The Israeli society is young, only 75 years old (since 1948). The pieces that it made of are being held by thin strings mainly over those 5 schisms (but over many more small disagreements).

During those years, we should have reduced those schisms and create a more solid society. Remove the thin strings that hold the society parts and build strong bridges between the pieces of the society and connect them together.

This judicial reform seems to be just another step in breaking Israeli society apart. As the government ministers (most of them are Ashkenazi) says it help Sparadim, but do nothing to really help them. As it pushes Israel to be more religious than ever, reducing freedom for non-religious and expending the Ultra-Orthodox autonomy. And it goes on and on.

But at the same time, the same politicians that pass the judicial reform laws deepening the schisms and say, “You lost.” Insisting to say “we are brothers” and let’s “sit and talk”….

Take Care

The protests in Kaplan street today - schismsThe protests in Kaplan street today – 30th week of protests against the judicial reform

If we will separate at the end – they need to take Petah Tikva (a big city in central Israel which is a symbol for a grey suburban city without any unique identity)

Fireworks at the end of the protest against the judicial reform in Tel-Aviv

Protestors on their way to close Ayalon Highway  - schismsProtestors on their way to close Ayalon Highway

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