Purple rain and heavy rain – 8th day ⛈️

The main fear we have now, as we are staying at gathering areas, waiting for orders, is of bombing from over the border. The name code we have for it is Purple rain.

The rain part of the code is clear, as those rockets or mortar shells do fall down as rain from above. It does not clear why purple in the code. But trying to find logic in the name codes in the army is pointless (which is kind of the point).

The alarm might come when we are ready for it. If we got notifications from the intelligence officer, we no it might come. Sometimes, the alarm comes after we hear hit.

As nothing hit close, it really means to run to the one safe place we have – the APC. As we are sleeping on tents nearby, we have to crowd in them in boxers waiting for the bombing to end up.

But it seems we should have been afraid of the rain, not from any color, just the kind pour in down water from the sky.

The forecast called out for heavy rain, but it came down a couple of days later. What gave us more time to prepare for it.

We have built up a camp with canvas to cover our tents (which are meant for summertime and not for heavy rain) and our combat gear to keep it safe and dry for fight.

It is amazing how much rain affects your life when you are out in the field and not staying in side a building. How to need to keep anything safe, including yourself, as you cannot dry it out nowhere.

Take Care

Our camp of APCs and tents is covered with canvas and shed sheets agter the rainOur camp site of APCs and tents is covered with canvas and shed sheets

Heavy rain (Geshem Hazak) – Monica Sex

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