IDF tanks along Gaza shore during the ground manuver

Ground maneuver – 25th day of war

The ground maneuver of the war has started. Unlike the one on Prorective edge, which was announced and broadcast all over, this one had started slowly and quietly.

IDF forces had entered Gaza strip, stayed as much as needed, and exit when they wished. That happened for the last couple of weeks without many media cover. Part of it is to keep Hamas in the darkness about IDF way of  attack.

When we are training with Armored corps, they either prefer speed or security: going fast but knowing you may get hit, or going securely knowing it may take time. Here, Israel clearly prefers the security of the forces over the speed of attack.

Another factor that needs to be taken into account here is the hostages. Attacking and demolishing every building might cause deaths of hostages.

The ground maneuver was delayed because of the double citizenship of the kidnapped citizens. We were all waiting for governments around the world to try and cause Hamas to release their hostages.

Apart from 4 hostages and a soldier being rescued, the above-mentioned pressure did not result in the release of hostages. Therefore, the ground maneuver had been speeding up.

My fear, and knowledge is, nobody has set a clear target for the ground maneuver. We all want the hostages to be released, but what then? To taken Hamas regime is always the headline, but is it possible? Previous operations with ground maneuver had ended uncleanly – Operation Cast Lead (2008),  Operation Protective Edge (2014) and here too we might end with no clear victory.

Take Care

IDF tanks along Gaza shore during the ground manuverIDF tanks along Gaza shore as part of the ground maneuver. Look on the fences above the tank to protect it from drones, just like in the war in Ukraine

D9 demolishing a building in Gaza strip during Iron Swords war

D9 about to demolish a building in Gaza stripD9 about to demolish a building in Gaza strip

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