Corporal Noa Marciano z”l- 39th day of war 🪖

Yesterday, Hamas terror organization terror had released a short video of Corporal Noa Marciano, which served in the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps, and was kidnapped to Gaza strip during the attack of the Black Sabbath (07.10.2023) by Hamas.

As always, I had followed the advice not to watch, and definitely not to share those videos. Looking at comments and hearing people talks, it seems to be the right way to handle those videos of Hamas.

They have used those videos as another way of terror and horror. The same way ISIS has been using videos of hostages and kidnapped citizens and soldiers to demoralize. As you probably remember, ISIS had been broadcasting the murder of people on live television.

Today, the IDF speaker announced the death of Noa Marciano z”l. People who have watched the video all the way to the end of it say it was clear Noa is dead, although Hamas does not admit it (they are acting as ISIS even in this, showing the video of the corpse).

Apperantly, Hamas has already twitted Noa has died 5 days ago (09.11.2023), claiming it was caused by Israel bombing on Gaza strip. It was clearly psychological war from Hamas, breaking the hearts of Noa family members.

Noa of Modi’in, served in unit 414th Nesher (Vulture) Field Intelligence Battalion (Southern Command – Gaza Sector) may her memory be bless

Take Care

Corporal Noa Marciano z"l who her death announced today, her body is still held by Hamas terror organization.Corporal Noa Marciano z”l who her death announced today, her body is still held by Hamas terror organization.

Hamas Twitt: Palestine news Gaza Gaza now:
🚨Breaking news: Al-Qassam Brigades: We announce the killing of prisoner conscript “Faul Marciano,” 19 years old, from “Modi’in,” ID No. (214179293), and the moderate wounding of a captive soldier in a Zionist bombing that targeted the Gaza Strip today. Note that the Al-Qassam Brigades will later issue material documenting the authenticity of this ad.