Rumors – 44th day of war

Those rumors can kill you. Rumors are just another aspect of Hamas  war – a psychological aspect of it.

It started with October 7th morning about what happened in the settlements of Gaza surroundings (which, unfortunately, figured out to be true) and continued with the number of deaths and their ranks of those who died on that Black Sabbath (which figured out again to be true).

The rumors keep flowing, mainly through social media. Some of them are negative, and some of them are positive. Some of them are true, and some of them are false. But they are all bad in the meaning they are helping our enemy to hurt our morale.

Today, those rumors spread faster than ever due to social media. Although people are called out to be extra careful on forwarding unauthorized information, Whatsapp even prevents forwarding massages forward more than once to more than group/person, Those rumors still spread fast around our small country.

It is not the first time rumors spread during the wars between Israel and Gaza. The most famous and evil one was the one about Golani Nagmash in Shuja’iyya during operation Protective Edge on 2014. In which people had spread not only the number of deaths but also the names of those who fall into action.

Take Care

31st of October - a Whatsapp massage informing about hostages has been released, and they are now in Suruka hospital31st of October – a Whatsapp massage informing about hostages has been released, and they are now in Soroka hospital

18th of November - a Whatsapp massage talking about 170 bodies of the kidnapped from Black Sabbath* found on Al-Shifa Hospital*. This rumor was either proven or disproven yet . Rumors 18th of November – a Whatsapp massage talking about 170 bodies of the kidnapped from Black Sabbath found on Al-Shifa Hospital. This rumor was either proven or disproved yet .

A poster against rumors: Do not give your hand to spread rumors. The poster is from the IDF archive from the early years of Israel and some sent it over on the morning of the Black Sabbath, on one of the Whatsapp groups that its members refuse to help to spread rumors.A poster against rumors: Do not give your hand to spread rumors. The poster is from the IDF archive from the early years of Israel and some sent it over on the morning of the Black Sabbath, on one of the Whatsapp groups that its members refuse to help to spread rumors.