Going Back to Gaza Region - invitation for activists and settlements core confrence - Gush Katif

Gush Katif – 47th day of war

It might have been a joke a couple of months ago, when one of the Knesset members (Orit Strook) announced Israel would have no choice but to eventually retake Gaza, and probably rebuild the settlements in it and mainly Gush Katif.

People were marking her as a far right-wing politician, something extreme that a small group of people wish to see happen. Like the group of the Temple Mount Faithful that wish to see the Third temple on Mount temple.

Since the war began, it seems it isn’t such a small group that
that wish go back to Gaza Reigon and rebuild Gush Katif (which the southern block of Israeli settlements in Gaza strip, which consists most of the Israeli citizens in Gaza strip).

Soldiers are picturing themselves in the ruined streets of Gaza and writing “Going back to Gaza” or “Going back to Gush Katif,” publishing it all the social media. There are already conferences for activists and settlements cores to start rebuilding Israelis settlements in Gaza Reigon.

Bibi objects it, but with how his government built, there is not much he can do if they decide to something as going back and building the settlements in the Gaza Region. They will overthrown the government, leaving Bibi with a very bad political situation (will elections happen). With the trials Bibi is in, it might be this war to end his regime.

As they said Been there, done that. I do not think that going back there is a smart thing to do. I think there were more soldiers in Gush Katif than citizens. It was more a military base than a settlement. And if one might say that the Black Sabbath would not have happened if we were still there, you are wrong – Hamas would have done the same, just penetrating into Gush Katif with many more points.

Take Care

Going Back to Gaza Region - invitation for activists and settlements core confrence - Gush Katif Going Back to Gaza Region – invitation for activists and settlements core confrence

Soldiers holding a sign stating Demolish and rebuild project, Jebalia neighborhood, Gaza.Soldiers holding a sign stating Demolish and rebuild project, Jebalia neighborhood, Gaza.

Soldiers pics with a flag and the slogan We are back to Gaza, this time for everSoldiers pics with a flag and the slogan We are back to Gaza, this time for ever

Get out of the conception, a video explaining that the way to bring back the hostages is to settle back in Gaza strip and show the orange ribbon along with the yellow one.

Gush Katif, Gaza

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Gush Katif, Gaza 31.338383, 34.271908

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