Pidyon shvuyim – 49th day of war

Israel has started with one of the biggest mitzvahs (Jewish religious duty) one can imagine – Pidyon shvuyim (redemption of captives).

And as much as Pidyon shvuyim is a big Mitzvah, there are limitations on the price one can pay by the Jewish law. That is in order not to encourage the enemy to take captivities. And still, in many cases, you can see the Jews around the world did pay over to release captivators – important people as well as babies.

They are finally here, the 13 Israeli hostages that have been released from Hamas‘ captivity (and additional 11 foreign hostages), and they are on their way home now.

Those 13 out of about 50 hostages to be released in this 4 days cease fire. Those are only 50 out of 240 hostages held by Hamas since the Black Sabbath.

My biggest fear was that we would find out they were not among the living, but I am happy to find out I was wrong about it.

They were, and still are, many discussions about the agreement. Somesay, 4 days of cease-fire is a high price to pay, other say we need to insist on release of all the hostages on one time, and let Hamas decide who will be released and when.

And after all that, I am happy to see them back home. That what differentiate us on the war against Hamas – the value we see for the lives of our people, against Hamas who prefer death of his people (as well as ours).

Take Care

The 13 hostages released today: 2yo, 4yo, 6yo, and 9yo kids and 6 elderly woman over the age of 76 years old. Those are some of the ages of hostages held by Hamas, just to clear up who they have kidnapped to Gaza strip on the Black Sabbath (Source: HaHaretz) - Pidyon shvuyim The 13 hostages released today: 2yo, 4yo, 6yo, and 9yo kids and 6 elderly woman over the age of 76 years old. Those are some of the ages of hostages held by Hamas, just to clear up who they have kidnapped to Gaza strip on the Black Sabbath (Source: HaHaretz)

IDF is ready to receive the hostages in Hatzerim Airbase (Source: IDF speaker) - Pidyon shvuyim IDF is ready to receive the hostages in Hatzerim Airbase (Source: IDF speaker)