Cease fire ended – 56th day of war

The last round of hostages (8 of them) had been released yesterday, and as Hamas started bombing Gaza surroundings since 5:42 in the morning and no new list of hostages had been sent by Hamas – we can say the cease fire ended.

113 hostages were released so far: women and kids, but no men. 136 hostages are still in Gaza strip, including babies such Bibes family babies, and at least 17 women and children. That is, after 4 more people who were considered hostages have been declared dead.

The day continued, and the distance the rockets had covered had extended, and in the evening, they got all the way to the center and Tel-Aviv.

IAF had attacked more than 200 locations in Gaza strip, and the ground manuver that had started a month ago will probably resume in Sabbath evening.

The North has also been attacked by anti-tank missiles and rockets to Rosh HaNikra, Margaliot, and Qiryat Shmona (which part of them are empty, for the fear of bombing from Lebanon).

IAF aircraft had bombed in Lebanon in response, along with Israeli Artillery bombing there as well.

And with all this happening, and the cease fire ended, it seems some reserve duty soldiers will be released, as the Israeli economy struggles under the cost of the war (along with the horrible budget that had passed).

My company and I might be among those reserve duty forces to be released, but that is just to be called up in a couple of weeks, a month or a couple of months. It might be in Tzav8, as we been called on the Black Sabbath, or may got a call before as we got for all trainings and when called for guarding.

Take Care

The 8 hostages that had been released from Hamas captavity yesterday late night hours (2 of the hostages were released earlier). (Source: HaHaretz) - cease fire endedThe 8 hostages that had been released from Hamas captavity yesterday late night hours (2 of the hostages were released earlier). (Source: HaHaretz)