The piece of missile that fell near the people from the video above (Source:

Sharpanel – 63rd day of war

Iron dome system has probably saved the lives of thousands of people along the years. It does require us to stay 10 more minutes in our protected areas after the siren is heard for the fear of sharpanel.

The system has an interception missile, called Tamir (high in Hebrew), which has a proximity  fuze. It means the Tamir rocket blows itself up when it is in a certain distance from the rocket or missile, which it was launched to intercept. This usually results in a sharpanel of both of the Tamir missiles and the rocket/missile that falls down to the ground.

Maybe using the term “sharpanel” here is a bit inaccurate from my side. Maybe I should have talked about fragments of rockets falling down. Sometimes, those are half a rocket that falls down from the sky – a couple of meters long of steel tubes.

As the Iron Dome system allows us to live normally (as much as possible under the circumstances), people are slowly cut down the 10 minutes of safety time that the system requires. These pieces of rockets can easily kill you as a direct hit of the rocket itself can.

Take Care

Iron dome interceptions of rockets launched from Gaza strip towards Tel-Aviv a couple of days ago

The sound of Iron Dome interceptions of rockets from Gaza Strip over Ramat Gan this afternoon

A sharpanel of the Iron dome interceptions video above this afternoon, and the damage it caused to a parking car in Tel-AvivA sharpanel of the Iron dome interceptions video above this afternoon, and the damage it caused to a parking car in Tel-Aviv (Source:

A sharpanel of a rocket on a balcony of a building in Tel-Aviv from an interception of Iron Dome couple of days ago (Source: sharpanel of a rocket on a balcony of a building in Tel-Aviv from an interception of Iron Dome couple of days ago (Source:


A piece of a rocket falling within cm from people who walk in the street

The piece of missile that fell near the people from the video above (Source: piece of missile that fell near the people from the video above (Source:

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