Gal Meir Eisenkot – 64th day of war

Master sergant Gal Meir Eisenkot had fallen on the fight in the Northern Gaza strip on December 7th.

Gal is the son of Gadi Eisenkot, the 21st Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, and now serves as a minister without portfolio, and he is a member of the cabinet that owns the management of the war.

I can not imagine what it to be family of bereaved, and not even think what it is to be to send your own son into the fight that he might not come back from – and his son did not come back.

This tragic event just shows the distance between those who serve in the military reserve duty (some say it is only 1%) and danger theirs life and thde family around them, to those who do not draft. To those who danger their life in the tent of the Torah (such the Ultra-Orthodox) and sends other to die in their name. To those whose some of his kids served as non fighter in the army and now sitting as Prime Minister and responsible for the Black Sabbath failure.

The government and Ultra-Orthodox politicians in it are ignoring the war, and the budget with all the benefits to their sectors pass as there are no soldiers dying in Gaza strip, as there are no settlements that need to rebuild around Gaza strip, as there are no evcauated settlements on the north that need to be taken care of.

While Gal Meir Eisenkot is about to be buried, his cousin, Gadi nephew, Maor Cohen Eisenkot, also announced to be killed in the fight against terror organization Hamas in Gaza strip. Making the event of death of Gal Meir Eisenkot more tragic.

Yasmin Levy, a Haaretz journalist, wrote it in the most accurate way: the gap was never more clear when on the same day that the prime minister ordered to issue a diplomatic passport to the son of the prime minister, the son of the minister and cabinet member Gadi Eisenkot had fallen in Gaza strip.

Take Care

Master sergeant (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot z"l (Source: sergeant (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot z”l (Source:

First sergant Gal Meir Eisenkot was buried. The son of minister Gadi Eisenkot, former chief of staff, had fallen in fights in the North Gaza strip (Source: sergant Gal Meir Eisenkot was buried. The son of minister Gadi Eisenkot, former chief of staff, had fallen in fights in the North Gaza strip (Source:

Sergeant Maor Cohen Eisenkot z"l (Source: Maor Cohen Eisenkot z”l (Source: