Announcement of IDF spokesperson okesperson about the death of the fallen soldiers… – 83rd of war

Every morning starts with a Whatsapp update: Attached is the announcement of IDF spokesperson about the death of the (#) fallen soldier(s) – and a link to the a page with the names of the fallen soldiers.

The announcement is being published daily in 6:00 AM, and as I wake, it is already waiting for me to remind it is a war in Gaza. That soldiers are killed daily, and my younger brother Guri is in there, too.

I see the massage of newly added fallen soldiers to the list. I do not open the link immediately, but I need a couple of minutes to let it sink that someone I know might be on the that growing list of names.

Like someone from the battilion I served in as mandatory duty and has the family name of one of my soldiers . Anoter one from Ramat Gan , or one that was in reserve duty at my age. And so more names are added to this list of deaths.

Only Sabbath mornings are quiet, not because none is dying on Friday or that there is no fighting done on the day of the rest of Judisam. But because it is the sacred day of Judisam, and you do not announce deaths on this day.

But as the military phrase goes, every Sabbath has a Motza’ei Shabbat (the evening after Sabbath). This means that you pay for mistakes done on Sabbath when it ends. And so you know, the names of the fallen will be published soon, or more names will be published Sunday morning.

Take Care

Attached is the announcement of the IDF spokesperson about the death of the 3 fallen soldier, which their families have been informed:

Attached is a link to the IDF site, in which the details and pictures of the fallen soldiers are published and updated:

Also, in the fight in which Sergeant first class Asaf Pinhas Tubul zl had fallen, a fighter and officer from battilion 77 of Formation Sa’ar MiGolan (7) were injured severely.

Also, in the fight in which Major Dvir David fima zl had fallen, a fighter from battilion 7107, The Nahal Brigade was injured severely.