Two women on their way to work with bulletproof tactical vests in their hands. Normal

Normal – 92nd day of war

I went down at the train station in Kiryat Gat to ride my bikes to the factory and realize how normal it is that the two women in front of me were holding tactical Bulletproof vests in their hands.

We are a country in a permanent state of war – just look on the last years and see how many operations you know about, there at least 10 times more missions on the west bank you are not aware of. There are already many people holding up pistols, but those were mainly in the west bank. Now, many more will hold pistols around the country. And apparently, not only pistols but also bulletproof vests.

Things that were considered not normal even in Israel are no considered completely normal – many walk around with their pistols in the middle of Tel-Aviv (it was common in the west bank, but not inside the Green line), soldiers are sent home for vacations with their assult rifles (something IDF reduced to minimal till now to reduce the number of suicides) and all of them are with the magazines inside the rifle (what allowed only in fighting activity , for safety reasons).

I do one thing about all the weapons that are being given away or sold now so easily. it will come back against us.

When someone will pull his pistol during an argument over a parking place. Or a child who will play with his parents’ weapon. Criminals who will more easily put their hands on guns and explosives to use in their gangs war (some of the explosives found on Hamas terrorists bodies in the Black Sabbath were stolen by criminals, and some were already been used).

While the fighting in Gaza strip seems to lowered down the northern border slowly speeds up. This morning, alerts were activated around all of Galilee as Hezbollah launched an attack of 62 missiles over IAF base on Mount Meron, hitting several systems. That in response to the attack in Beirut in which Hamas top officer Saleh al-Arouri was killed three days ago.

Take Care

Two women on their way to work with bulletproof tactical vests in their hands. NormalTwo women on their way to work with bulletproof tactical vests in their hands.

Sunglasses store in Israel nowadays (Source: - normal Sunglasses store in Israel nowadays (Source:

The serviceman at the delli with hi M-16

Hezbollah video of the hits on IAF base on Mount Meron

Video of IAF strikes on Lebanon in response to the attack om mount Meron

The alerts in north of Israel this morning - NormalThe alerts in north of Israel this morning – Normal (Source:

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