Infantry soldiers getting out to another activity in Gaza strip. It might feels like a training for them as well, but it is as real as it gets.

Not a game – 213rd day of war

As I have my health problems I was keep thinking on all the training and drills in my military reserve service as a game. As our battalion had never been called up by a Tzav 8, it was reasonable. I could always says that I help to train all the other soldiers in my platoon during my military reserve duty terms.

But it is no longer a game. Yes we been called up on the Black Sabbath of October 7th to a war, and could have known what we are headed to. In the end, we were only reserve force, and did not take part in the fighting during this period.

And still, this not only me who find what we are doing as an exercise, a drill or a training. In the first of activities, when we set down to discuss what we have done and think about in the activity, we all kept referring to it as a training.

We were all upset on ourselves at first, how not serious we are, when we treat it as a training. But our Sargeant said a smart think about it – that this is a good thing when we look on the activity as a training.

You wish it will keep being like a training. In the trainings you always get to the correct house, do what need to be done in place, and come back safe to the base (many times we carry a injury, but only for the practice). It always goes smooth, the missin accomplished and we are all safe back in the base like it was a game.

Take Care

Infantry soldiers getting out to another activity in Gaza strip. It might feels like a training for them as well, but it is as real as it gets. GameInfantry soldiers getting out to another activity in Gaza strip. It might feels like a training for them as well, but it is as real as it gets.

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