Chemical toilets – 229th day of war

We finally got chemical toilets here. After we had been pooping in bags for several weeks, we finally got an upgrade (or downgrade) in our hygiene facilities.

It is an upgrade as you no longer have to wait in line for the “Toilet rooms” in the end of the corridor. And you do not need to look out for bags to poo in.

On the other hand, you have to go out of the company area, go down two floors to sit down in one of those. And of course you need to wear uniforms and shoes and pick up your weapon to go there.

I first met those toilets in the Scouts summer camp, and even back then I was not happy about them and tried to avoid it as much as possible (although you do not really hace a choice, or you all get diseases very quick).

Last time I was using those was when we were on Gush Katif settlements before they have been evacuated In the Israeli disengagement from Gaza. It was when I was still during my mandatory military service.

Back when we were on a pillbox near Morag. We used to go down to it in nid day, wearing bulletproof vests and a helmet on your head. It was so hot, that when you went out of it those plastic boxes, you really felt it is cold outside (compared to being inside that plastic oven with uniforms, an helmet and a bulletproof vest).

Now, each time I get in those toilets, I start to hum the song Hey Boy Hey Girl, which is a song by the Chemical Brothers

Take Care

The chemical toilets where we are staying inside Gaza stripThe chemical toilets down on basement level where we are staying inside Gaza strip

 Chemical Brothers – Hey Boy Hey Girl (Official Music Video)



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