Hamas activist – 232nd day of war

Even writing the term Hamas activist makes me feel uncomfortable. Should it not be Hamas terrorist? Like we treat all the rest of those?

And still I cannot completely convince myself he nessecarly a terrorist. Hamas ruled Gaza strip for 18 years now (since 2006), and probably took control over most, if not all, of the civil parts of the life in Gaza strip.

The house we were in (although in, is not accurate for a building with no roof and almost no walls), had a flag of Hamas in it. It also had a bat that looked like it belong to some secuirty force personnel along with an AK-47 empty magazine.

The room we were in, and found the above, did not look an adult room, but more like a kid’s room. Maybe he got the flag from a friend. Collected the magazine and the bat like we used to collect IDF items when we were young (and still do so)?

It might be he would have grown up to be a terrorist if we would not got to his hous,e, while he continued to leave under Hamas regime.

On the other hand, it might he will grow up to be a terrorist and not only an activist because we got to his house. Because he and his family were pushed away from his house to the south of Gaza strip.

Does it make any difference? Do we manage to change the reality in Gaza strip and the beliefs of the Palestinians in Gaza strip?

Take Care

The Hamas flag that was found in the house Engineering Corps had demolished by explosion activistThe Hamas flag that was found in the house Engineering Corps had demolished by explosion. The flag words are the Shahada: “I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”