JLOST – 234th day of war

The JLOST (Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore) the floating dock built , was broken apart couple of days ago. Part of it was drifted away all the way to Ashdod.

Talking with the battalion of our brigade that were guarding them in past month and ago, it seem the American did kept their promise of No boots on the ground.

Even when it means they had to spent the whole night on a piece of floating dock, soaking wet, holding tight not to be slip away.

It made the whole battalion trying to help them and convince them to go down to the beach, take a warm shower, change clothes and sleep in a dry bed.

And on the same time laugh on how American they are when refusing to do so. And planning how to lock them when they go down to the beach they will hold them hostage till we got all the bombs and missiles we need to flatten Gaza strip.

It reminds me of a caricature of two marine soldiers wearing heel shoes, and ask one another – This is what they mean by No Boots on the Ground.

I had to check the dock name, as we all just call it J.lo, what kept made think about Jennifer Lopez song Jenny from the block.

Take Care

A truck with humanitarian aid being unloaded on the floating dock (Source: https://t.me/abualiexpress)A truck with humanitarian aid being unloaded on the floating dock (Source: https://t.me/abualiexpress)

A loading craft unloading trucks on the floating dock  (Source:  https://t.me/abualiexpress)A loading craft unloading trucks on the floating dock  (Source:  https://t.me/abualiexpress)

The JLOST after part of it have been drafted awayThe JLOST after part of it have been drafted away

JLOST and one of the ships near itJLOST and one of the ships near it

The Oketz unit dog that helped to open the route to dock every morning. Yep, there is a threat Hamas terror organization will try to bomb the dock. Yes, the dock that used to supply humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza strip might be sabotaged by the terror organization that claims to help them JLOSTThe Oketz unit dog that helped to open the route to dock every morning. Yep, there is a threat Hamas terror organization will try to bomb the dock. Yes, the dock that used to supply humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza strip might be sabotaged by the terror organization that claims to help them.

A caricature laughing over the pharse No boots on the ground, not the one I remember,  but the same concept (Source: www.indystar.com)A caricature laughing over the pharse No boots on the ground, not the one I remember,  but the same concept (Source: www.indystar.com)

Jenny from the block


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JLOST, Gaza 31.497790, 34.407917

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