First shot – 237th day of war

We shot them down, the group which was walking north towards us on the road along the shore.

The Palestinians we were watching were hanging out in the north of Nuseirat refugee camp. They woke up in the morning and went fishing, and when the sun allowed to went swimming in the sea or surfing.

Some of them “accidentally” started walking north of Wadi Gaza. You can say they were only walking along the shore, or just looking for something to do.

But they all knew crossing the stream meant they will be shot down. We started with shooting as a warning. It did made them stop and turn around.

On the third time, we were no longer shooting for warning. This time we allowed the group to get closer so it will be easier to shot them down.

They knew they are crossing our red line and that and they knew getting closer means they will be shot down.

It was the first time we shot someone, and it is not something you easily do. Even they are far away, even too far to see their faces in the optic sights or the field glasses.

They did threaten us directly by walking closer than allowed. But they might leave there a packge or some booby trap to injury or kill us once we walk through there.

We shot and hit them. Center of mass, as you aim on those distances with the optic devices we had on place.

Take Care



Palestinians hanging out in the north of Nuseirat refugee camp and "accidentally" walking north of Wadi Gaza - first shotPalestinians hanging out in the north of Nuseirat refugee camp and “accidentally” walking north of Wadi Gaza – first shot

One is watching with a wider view (usually the commander) and one is looking on a very narrow view through the optic sight on the weapon and shot (usually the soldier)One is watching with a wider view (usually the commander) and one is looking on a very narrow view through the optic sight on the weapon and shot (usually the soldier)