Another picture of the Golan Heights fire today from Katzrin, as the traffic keeps flowing (at least when there are no alarms in the area)

Golan Heights fire – 240th day of war

Golan Heights fire spread very quickly today. The fire started from Hezbollah attacks during the day, that lit the area.

If you had followed my posts on the trainings and drills we had in the Golan Heights in our military reserve duty, you would have know how flammable the area is, as the summer approaches.

This kind of the same thing Hamas terrorists tired to for years with the fire kite that they were launching towards Israel during the years. It did created several fires, but in the magnitude and size of what happened today in the north.

The fire was not only in Golan Heights but all over north of Israel, including upper Galilee, Nahariya and Acre.

This fire brought back to the news the situation in the north of Israel along the border with Lebanon. During the time I spent in Gaza strip, nothing really changed in the northern border.

The bookkeeping of the terror organization of Hezbollah is kept in the north. The empty settlements along the border with Lebanon, that had been evacuated in first day of the war, are still empty.

Their residents are still leaving in hotels or temporary housing around Israel and it does seem the children will come back to their original schools in the north.

As my sister in law said – my kids opened their day in the protected area, because of the launching and spent the rest of ot lying on the ground in the park, because of the smoke from the fire.

Take Care

Golan Heights fire today from KatzrinGolan Heights fire today from Katzrin

Another picture of the Golan Heights fire today from Katzrin, as the traffic keeps flowing (at least when there are no alarms in the area)Another picture of the Golan Heights fire today from Katzrin, as the traffic keeps flowing (at least when there are no alarms in the area)

Hezbollah video of its attacks during the past 240 days, since October 7th.

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