Out of Gaza again – 244th day of war

We are out of Gaza, the battalion and the company. An I as well. For some of them it is the second time, that is for the more veteran of us. For me too it is the second time I am going out of Gaza.

It is a big relief for all us, to me as the commander of the platoon and for all of the kids. We did not have any death of injuries in the company, except for minor injuries (except for the one severely injury of the battalion).

Those have been very extensive 5 and a half weeks that started Iran attack explosions, mortar shells, snipers, friendly fire, shooting, booby traps, memorial day, independence day, horror stories and absolutely no privacy what so ever.

The last time I had left Gaza strip is was about the time Israel had disengagement from Gaza strip. Meaning not only me and my company had left Gaza, but all Israel had left Gaza.

This not the case here, this time, we were just changing lines with another brigade. I do not know if we are to stay and built Gush Katif again or we will stay until the hostages will be back home again.

In the meanwhile we are holding our breath each time a Hezbollah rocket full downs on the north. And each time we the fire starts again in the north. I am not sure we will be called back to Gaza, but I am quite sure we will be called back to the north as the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon happen sooner or later.

Take Care

We do not know what you.... but we are evacuating! Engineering corps battalion - Barkan. End of training August 04 Going out of GazaWe do not know what you…. but we are evacuating!  Engineering corps company – Barkan.  End of training August 04

Birkat Hagomel (a Jewish Prayer of Gratitude) for those who had exited war areasBirkat Hagomel  (a Jewish Prayer of Gratitude) for those who had exited war areas