Mono (Kissing disease)

The ER doctor just looked at me and said “You go Mono, they have not sent your over for blood test for it? I still 99.9% sure it is Mono.”

After two weeks of fever and sickness I woke up this Friday afternoon and realized I need to see a really doctor and not my doctor. The only option at this time was to call a doctor by the app. I told him I sick with fever for over 12 days in a row. He said I should not be worried, until I told him something I cannot remember right now,

Whatever it was, it made him changes his mind and send me to ER. I spent there some time (part of it with Fatma, my little sister, which Atzva sent over to keep an eye on me). But when the doctor got me in, it took her less then 5 minutes (including chatting with the other doctor for 3 minutes) to determine I got Mono.

This disease (also called kissing disease, mainly because this is how teenagers got it) caused by a virus. And like every time we take one of the kids to see a doctor when they feel bad and we are told it is viral, you need to rest and eat and let you body get over it.

You starting to feel bad about 4 to 7 weeks, what made me think I got it in Gaza strip (all the doctors kept asking me if I was abroad lately. “Yes” I said “In Gaza strip…”).

Atzva also thinks I got it from Gaza, at least mentally. That it hit me so hard, partly if not mostly because of my 8 months of military reserve and mainly the last term. It did effect me, but I do not think that what me so sick for so long.

Take Care

Waiting in the ER to see a doctor - MonoWaiting in the ER to see a doctor