Worried – 388th day of war

Atzva was worried, It was a small glimpse to how she was living in the past several months (or year).
We were driving home on a Free From Kids Friday morning, when I was on vacation from the reserve duty. We were just finished buying some flower and spice plant pots for the balcony of our new apartment and were enjoying the sunny weather.
The radio news was talking about several casualties in south Lebanon. The casualties are from 221st Infantry Battalion from of Carmeli brigade.
I was thinking – this is one of the units we have been working with in the Gaza strip. But Atzva was overwhelmed and worried. Her co-worker son is in this battalion, Atzva tried to call and text her to understand if he is one of them. When she finally got back, it was with good news – they already told all the families and did not call her.
During the time we were in Gaza strip, and the time we were in Lebanon, they used to cry on each other shoulder for fear that something might happen to one of us.
One day, she told me they were drinking a bit. Each one in her own house, while talking to each other. The next morning, they were talking about it when another co-worker joined in and told them he was also drinking – with his friends and had some much fun. “We were not drinking for fun,” she said and explained
him. “Oh”, he said, lower his eyes and went to his office.
The fact that the co-worker son is OK made Atzva burst in tears. We are sitting here, playing normal, but in two days, you are back in there. You might die or get hurt every second, and I have to hold my breath – hope you will back soon.

Take Care

A list of families sitting down in Shiva, just look on this list - it contains 30 names. meaning that in the past 7 days 30 soldier has lost their lives in this war.... - worriedA list of families sitting down in Shiva, just look on this list – it contains 30 names. meaning that in the past 7 days 30 soldier has lost their lives in this war….