IDF observers hostages – 477th day of war

4 more hostages released today, all are IDF observers. A week after the first 3 hostages were returned from Hamas in this 2nd hostage deal.

They were all Abducted from Nahal Oz post on the Black Sabbath of October 7th, were they served as observers. Their jobs was to sit down in a room and use the cameras along the fence with Gaza strip in order to alert any suspicious activities ahead. This is a tedious work with no glory or respect with it.

After the attack, many of the families of the observers described what the soldiers used to see: how Hamas terrorists are driving Toyota Hillux tenders along the fence, are they getting closer and closer to the fence and in general how they could see all the preparations to Hamas deadliest attack on October 7th. And they had reported up, and been ignored as it did not fit the conception that lead the security system of Israel.

Out of 22 observers that were on Nahal Oz Post that day, 15 were murdered that morning, and 7 were kidnapped to Gaza strip by Hamas terrorists. Ori Megidish was rescued from Hamas on the 23rd day of the warCorporal Noa Marciano z”l was kidnapped and killed by Hamas terrorists (her body was returned to Israel), 4 were returned today, and the last, Agam Berger, will hopefully return home next week.

During their time under the hands of Hamas terrorists in captivity, the organization had released videos of the observers abduction – 3:10 minutes of horror in which Hamas terrorists are threatening to kill the girls, which are sitting on the floor in their pajamas, handicapped, their face stained with blood (theirs or from  other soldiers killed). The video shocked the country as it been released by the hostages’ families request.

Take Care


IDF observers hostages - Liri Elbag (left up), Karina Ariev (right up), Daniela Gilboa (left down) and Naama Levy (right down)(Source: Chaim Tzach, GPO) Liri Elbag (left up), Karina Ariev (right up), Daniela Gilboa (left down) and Naama Levy (right down)(Source: Chaim Tzach, GPO)

2 thoughts on “IDF observers hostages – 477th day of war”

  1. Dear Gad,
    greatings from germany. thanks for sharing news and information about israel without political filter.
    I visited israel last year to support – 70 pcs. Ritter Sport chocolate 😉 created nice meetings and friedly talks across the country.
    I’m happy to see some hostages coming back home. reading “kfar azza” in your other post reminds me of the visit there. I keep on praying for those are still not at home yet.
    Please stay strong!

    1. Hi Freddy, happy hear about you experience here.
      Hope all the hostage will be soon back home healthy.

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