Elections 2019 – second round


Yes, another elections these year. It is the second round of elections of 2019. Usually second round means there was not a clear decision by the voters.

But this time, things are different – After the first elections this year, Bibi did not manage to gather enough MK to support him. The heroin for the left wing parties on those election is Avigdor Lieberman, once Likud party member, and now leader of its own party. Which insisted on the drafting law, and refused to join the government that will pass on this law.

If this situation sounds familiar to you are not wrong (probably it is not, cause even here not many remember it). In 2009 elections Tzipi Livni won the elections. She was called to the president and was given the authority to set the new government.

Bibi, the political genius and the leader of the second biggest party, manage to collect enough parties around him to prevent Tzipi to set a majority government. And when the given period ended, and Tzipi had no government – guess who was called to set the new government? That is right – Bibi.

The only difference between then and now is that back then the leader of the biggest party is given the first chance to set up a government. While now the leader which most of the other parties recommend about, got the first chance.
Oh, there is another small difference – now Bibi decided to spread away the Knesset, when is time was over…

Yep, exactly as you think. Bibi doesn’t think other parties need to be given a chance to set the new government. If he doesn’t manage to set a government, no one else will, especially not Gantz (the leader of the second biggest party). And we will go another to second round of elections this year.

Such a waste of our money and time….

Take care

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) - Wlections 2019 second roundPrime minister Bibi (source: Wikipedia)

Avigdor Lieberman - 2019 elections second roundAvigdor Lieberman (source: Wikipedia)



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