October 13th 2012 – Haifa, Israel – elections

envelope - Electionsbooknegative  - Elections
Haifa, Israel
We gonna have elections in a about 4 months from now.

It will be after you will elect your new president, but of course what’s going here is more important for me =).

In a matter of fact the elections were supposed to be only a year from now. Pretty impressive, because most of the governments that ruled here for the last decades didn’t last that long.

Unlike your elections, it is pretty clear who will win – Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu), the present prime minister.

The excuse for making elections earlier is that he didn’t want the budget to be a budget of “election year”, in which every party try to grab as much as she can. Bibi present himself as the man that take care of our money.

So you probably think that is the reason he will win those elections. This, and his wonderful speaks at the UN at Iran and almost no terror attacks from Palestinians. Meaning Bibi is also take care of our quality life.

The facts is he managed to cut down the budget only a couple of months ago, so he could have probably do it again. Except that he is standing in the head of the biggest and most spending government we had ever had. Bibi doesn’t care about my life quality.

Terror attacks continue as always. Last Saturday about 60 mortar shells, Qasams, an Grad missiles where landed in Israel from the Gaza strip. Bibi didn’t change much at that front. Neither is he taking care of my life.

one thing Bibi managed to do is to make to world work against Iran, that is good. But it won’t make living here better. Iran or not Iran we still have to live here.
What will try to do is make people understand they should vote thinking about economics and social problems and less about Iran.

We have so much to change, we should take what we did last summer put it another step higher.

Hoping we can really change what bother people in Israel (economics and social problems), and not what Bibi makes people scared of (Iran)

Take Care

Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu)  electionsBibi (Benjamin Netanyahu)  elections

The protest last year in Haifa. Will we manage to change things up in the government? electionsThe protest last year in Haifa. Will we manage to change things up in the government? elections

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