As our battilion called rarely by Tzav 8, we are riding APCs. vicissitudes of fate is that are using the APC send by US as a support after Yom Kippur war 50 years ago - second Yom Kippur War

Second Yom Kippur – 2nd day of war

The astonishment and shock of attack of Hamas is only second that hit Israel and IDF on Yom Kippur war on 1973. This is why some refer to this war Second Yom Kippur war.

The timing is also close. While Yom Kippur war broke on the Yom Kippur 06.10.2023, this war broke on Shimchat Torah (which is also a holiday) on 07.10.2023.

It has been 50 years apart, and the conception again fell apart. Back then, it was the conception that Syria would not attack Israel unless Egypt would attack simultaneously with it. And that Egypt will not attack without the ability to hit Israel main air force, which she did not – she just attacked without having control over the sky.

Now, the conception was that only Hamas would only work on small groups of terrorists that it would try to enter Israel quietly in small numbers to attack the nearby settlements or the IDF posts (like when he kidnapped Gilad Shalit).

But Hamas did something completely different than what excepted: he penetrated the fence along Gaza strip in about 30 places, allowing 60 of terrorists to enter at once. Before he shut down the cameras along the fence with simple drones and also crossed the fence, at the same time, other terrorists got up to the shore of Israel by the sea and by air in paragliders. It seems that a cyber attack has covered all the electronic intelligence devices along the fence.

Just like in the Yom Kippur war, there were alerts and signs of the attack by the intelligence, but they were ignored.

We are still at the beginning of the second Yom Kippur war, but people already call out for government officials and IDF officers to take responsibility for the deaths and failure of this war. After the war, a complete revision will need to be made.

Take Care

IDF bases and settelments in Gaza surrondings attacked in Sabbath morning - second Yom Kippur warIDF bases and settlements in Gaza surroundings attacked in Sabbath morning

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