Netzarim twin towers – 273th day of war

I have been to Netzarim before the disengagement from Gaza, and also then there were engineering corps soldiers exploding buildings. They called them Netzarim twin towers.

You could understand easily why they were called this way: two identical high-rise buildings just above the settlement of Netzarim. In my head, they were about 20 story high, but who remembers?

We were called from our advanced training to Gaza strip. We spent the night lying on Kfar Aza parameter fence. The day after, we were sent in to Netzarim.

Later, I learned it was after a tank was exploded in the Netzarim corridor. 100kg of explosives underneath the hull flipped the hull and sent the turret dozens of meters away, killing all the crew members. (Looking on dates, it might have happened near Dugit. The real reason we were called might be a terrorist who penetrated the IDF base and killed 3 soldiers).

I was an APC driver and was sent to pick one from Givati Brigade and set it ready for the operation. I was a taxi driver as they used to refer to the Nagmash. Later I have been told they found 7.62 hits near my place, and I was lucky it did not penetrate and hit me.

The Twin Towers exploded, and the around Netzarim was more flat. Although nobody lived in it, and the tabks used to shoot the buildings once a day, there was still a threat a sniper would use them as a shooting position.

Take Care

The settlement of Netzarim bedore it had evacuated and demolished in the
Israeli disengagement from Gaza strip. You can not see the twin towers that raised above it in this picture (it also might have been taken after the explosion)The settlement of Netzarim bedore it had evacuated and demolished in the
Israeli disengagement from Gaza strip. You can not see the twin towers that raised above it in this picture (it also might have been taken after the explosion)

An announcement of rocket and missiles alert on Margaliot in north of Israel. Reminds me the time we were watching the 2014 World Cup and alerts on rockets and missiles on Gaza surroundings settlements during Operation Protective Edge. An announcement of rocket and missiles alert on Margaliot in north of Israel. Reminds me the time we were watching the 2014 World Cup and alerts on rockets and missiles on Gaza surroundings settlements during Operation Protective Edge.

A tank in Gaza strip before the Israeli disengagement (Source: Milner, GPO. Netzarim twin towersA tank in Gaza strip before the Israeli disengagement (Source: Milner, GPO.

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