Eliminated - Hassan Nasrallah. In 1982 he founded with other Shia militants and the help of Iran the terror organization Heazobllah. Was entrepreneur, planned, execute thousands of terror acts against the citizens of Israel and other countries around the world. Responsible to the deaths of Israeli citizens and all over the world. Underneath Lebanon became an armed base with advanced and accurate weapons in different ranges pointed at Israel and against the all area. Had led the creation of Radwan force in order to slaughter in Israeli citizens along Lebanon border, similar to what was done in October 7th.

Hassan Nasrallah killing – 358th day of war

“It seems like they killed Hassan Nasrallah” said the picks locks as he went away from cutting down my kryptonite lock in the park, so I can ride home with Mindal (it took him half a minute to cut down this 250 NIS lock).

“It means I will be there tomorrow morning” I said, “Or even today”. Mindal than asked if I am going to the army today. “No, No sweety. at least not that I know.” But I know I might called up any moment.

The name for the operation in the IDF was named New order. In first glance you might think it is a bit megalomaniac. But then you remember we thought the 7th October might set a third world war, and you realize this airstrike might set the fire – and you realize it might be quite accurate.

What will come next? Who knows, After the killing of the person we were worried about for about 20 years he is finally down. It might have been we did not know who will replace him (now it seems nobody left to take his position) or the fact his killing might set the whole Middle East on fire (but it is already on fire…).

Take Care

Eliminated - Hassan Nasrallah. In 1982 he founded with other Shia militants and the help of Iran the terror organization Heazobllah. Was entrepreneur, planned, execute thousands of terror acts against the citizens of Israel and other countries around the world. Responsible to the deaths of Israeli citizens and all over the world. Underneath Lebanon became an armed base with advanced and accurate weapons in different ranges pointed at Israel and against the all area. Had led the creation of Radwan force in order to slaughter in Israeli citizens along Lebanon border, similar to what was done in October 7th.Eliminated – Hassan Nasrallah.
– In 1982 he founded with other Shia militants and the help of Iran the terror organization Heazobllah.
– Was entrepreneur, planned, execute thousands of terror acts against the citizens of Israel and other countries around the world.
– Responsible to the deaths of Israeli citizens and all over the world.
– Underneath Lebanon became an armed base with advanced and accurate weapons in different ranges pointed at Israel and against the all area.
– Had lead the creation of Radwan force in order to slaughter in Israeli citizens along Lebanon border, similar to what was done in October 7th. (Source: IDF Spokerperson)

The location of the airstrike today (Source: Haaretz.co.il)The location of the airstrike today (Source: Haaretz.co.il)

The military chain of of command of the Hezbollah terrorist organization (Source: IDF Spokerperson) The military chain of of command of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, as you can see all most of all it was killed (Source: IDF Spokerperson)

The airplanes taking off and landing back


Like dominoes, the commanders of Hezbollah terror organization are falling down (Source: IDF Spokerperson)

Statement from President Joe Biden on the death of Hassan Nasrallah Statement from President Joe Biden on the death of Hassan Nasrallah

Al-Akhbar (The News) newspaper - This is the total warAl-Akhbar (The News) newspaper – This is the total war

To our religious ,Sabbath keepers neighbors: We wish to announce with great praise to the lord of the death of the evil and murdered Hassan Nassrallah. The funeral details will be announced in Motzai Sabbath and will be celebrated with candies and cakesTo our religious ,Sabbath keepers neighbors: We wish to announce with great praise to the lord of the death of the evil and murdered Hassan Nassrallah. The funeral details will be announced in Motzai Sabbath and will be celebrated with candies and cakes

The picks lock cutting down the lock

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