November 7th, 2015
Tze’elim, Israel
“Hi Gad, listen it is Moshe from the Military reserve. We want you to be in the staff.”
It was a surprising call. I don’t know who is Moshe (latter on I realized it is Moshe Sokler, our platoon commander. Nobody uses private names in the army… ), It was a pretty quick call to convince me to another two weeks of reserve per a year (!), and who ever knows me from the military service know I am not a person to be a commander…
I was cleaning the house and didn’t real had time to talk so I ask for a couple of days to answer (later I learned that Moshe had to save his wife from a spider, that’s why he ended the call so fast ).
Two days later I get to the reserve as a soldier (driving an M113 APC. The day after I was a commander and the day after became the sergeant (our officer didn’t came, and the only other commander got injured and was sent home).
It was like 10 years ago – I became the insecure commander that don’t really know what to do and try to learn its way.
I really hope I could fix my ways, and I did a bit. Hope I will better commander next training
What really surprised me – was the stupid soldier.
See, each time you get a new group of soldiers (that were civilians 2 hours ago), there was the stupid one.
The one you look on, and say to yourself – “No way he is 18 years old, how could he finish high school!”.
Now we got a soldier and you think to yourself – “No way he is 24 years old, he passed the army, how could he still be so stupid?”
Take Care
An armored Caterpillar D9 worked with us
Getting warmer in the end of the day
Made me smile a bit – look on it for a moment. they call it “the small sheep”
A Bedouin riding an ATV between the APCs
They follow you, and look for anything they can sell later.
A crop duster flying so low!
Haven’t seen this guy since basing training
The Line of APCs ready to move.