Officer Lt. Natan Cohen,23, from Modi'in.

July 23th, 2014 – 16th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 23th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
16th Day of Operation Protective Edge
Nathan is in officer. That mean that I was waking up to a very bad day.

Two more soldiers died that night, both of them officers, and as long as their names are not allowed to be published – the worse can happen…

That bad waiting time ended up quickly – Nathan fiance send me a massage that is out of the strip! They don’t know if they are to be back or out for good, but he’s OK and that’s what important =).

Two more civilians were killed by the rockets threat – A foreign farm worker that was out, working in the field and The rocket that hit a house in Yahud testerday – made a bigger damage than can be seen in the photos. Yesterday American and European flight company suspended their flight to and from Israel. That is bad for our country that the tourism industry is a big part of it economics. That kind of thing happened once, during the Gulf war in 1991. Most of them are already back to regular activity. That only implies the meaning of the rocket threat on Israel, psychological damage. Anyway there is another Airport in Ovda that can use in the worse case scenario.

Some of the soldiers that died in Operation Protective Edge were lone soldiers – Soldiers that did Aliya (immigrated to Israel) without their family, only to serve in the army. Two days ago one of those,Sgt. Sean Carmeli, was to buried in Haifa cemetery. There was a fear that this hero, that sacrificed his life, so other can keep and live here, will be buried alone, with only few to attend his funeral. Maccabi Haifa soccer team, that Sean was fan of, asked their fans to come.
over 20,000 people attend his funeral, showing their respect for the dead soldier for risking and sacrificing his life….

We are under constant threat of rockets? – just look at that site to realize it – . It shows how much time had passed since the last rocket fired on Israel.

During First Lebanon War the TV news moved from 20:00 to around 17:00. The main reason for it was to let people know earlier about the fighting day (mainly about the number of dead each day -there was only one TV channel and no Internet). Three Paratroopers soldiers had died when trying to collapse a terror tunnel that morning and one more name was allowed to be published.

Take Care

Officer Captain Dmitri Levitas, 26, from the cities of Jerusalem and Geshur in the Golan Heights and Officer Lt. Natan Cohen,23, from Modi’in.

Staff Sgt. Avitar Moshe Torjamin, 20, from Beit She’an and Staff Sgt. Shahar Dauber, 20, from Ginegar

Staff Sgt. Li Mat, 19, from Eila and Lt. Paz Elyahu, 22, from Evron

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