August 8th, 2014 – Gaza strip terror organizations

August 8th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
After 68 quiet hours (out of the 72 hours of the cease fire), 2 mortar shells were fired from Gaza. Hamas claims it wasn’t his doing, what makes you think – If we will sign an agreement with Hamas, who will promise us the other Gaza strip terror organizations, like the Islamic Jihad will respect it?

Since 8:00, after the cease fire of 72 hours, dozens of rockets were fired at us and we started bombing the Gaza strip again…. It might be this round of violence isn’t over yet.

Anyway we have another combat we have to fight – against the world. I don’t knew if the 1,800 dead Palestinians are a legitimate number for a war (between 20% to 50% of the militants), but I do know that if Hamas really care about is people the number was lower.

Here only a few examples of the lies that Hamas is telling the world, another few things you might want to rethink about them:

Take Care

“Exclusive: Hamas rocket launch pad revealed near Gaza homes” – Not using human shields?

“NDTV exclusive – how Hamas assembles and fires rockets Minutes before the 72-hour ceasefire began, this rocket was fired from deep within a civilian zone.” Another example of human shields.


Out of #Gaza far from #Hamas retaliation: misfired rocket killed children tday in Shati. Witness: militants rushed and cleared debris
— gabrielebarbati (@gabrielebarbati) July 29, 2014

A twit of a reporter, that revels who really killed 4 kids in Shati refugee camp in July 16th and why he could not have twit it earlier.

“Did you ever see Hamas militants firing rockets?” “Sure” “Did you talked about it?” “No. If I would have talked about it, They would killed me”

Just an example of the damages one of the Qassam rocket that fired from Gaza strip can do.

Demographics of the dead (from Israellycool based on the names of the dead by Aljazeera), and the demographics of Gaza strip (from indexmundi. It can be see clearly that most of the dead are man in the age of fighting, way above their part in the population. As Time magazine wrote.That means that most of the killed in Gaza strip were terrorists.

08082014-05s - How can you different? -  terror organizationsHow can you different?

What if Gaza strip was at your border and was bombing you, what you would have done?


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