August 25th, 2014 – 49th Day of Operation Protective Edge -Attrition war

August 25th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
49th Day of Operation Protective Edge
This endless operation is becoming an attrition war – the worst scenario for us.

What even worse is the understanding of the Hamas militants that Iron Dome is not designed to intercept mortar shells. Once they had realized it, they are using this primitive but deadly weapon more and more – over 135 only today
Hamas is still firing a couple of long range rockets to the center but this heavy barrage of mortar shells parallelize all the life around Gaza surroundings – and cost in human life.

Take Care

 דניאל טרגרמן בן 4 צוק איתן נחל עוז פצמ"ר ילד הרוג - 4 years old Daniel Tragerman z"l from Nahal Oz that was killed in Friday from a mortar shells. - attrition war4 years old Daniel Tragerman z”l from Nahal Oz that was killed in Friday from a mortar shells.

08252014-02s -  attrition warThe cars in Nahal Oz that Daniel was near them.

attrition war

Tzeva Adom alerts in Israel after Operation Protective Edge 25.08.2014 08:00-17:30 as seen in tzevaadom. Background Music is Glgltz radio station with traffic and Red Alerts reports for the drivers….

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