November 7th, 2014 – Intifiada – Haifa, Israel

envelope - Intifiada
November 7th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
I sit down in my house in Haifa and read about the Intifiada, and it looks far from me as far from as it from you are.

What’s Intifiada you ask?

Basically it is thevacts of terror: the terror attack with a car two weeks ago, a shooting attack a week ago,the terror attack with a car two days ago

But Intifiada is worse than just terror attacks organized by militant organization and been taken out by militants. Intifiada is more of an uprising – kids and teenagers are throwing stones, molotov cocktail, blocking the streets, breaking down the light train, using fireworks.

All of it is not (or at least doesn’t look like it) an organized uprising. Once it comes from the streets, with no orders from above those riots are harder to control.
There are two options: Or the PA will take control over it, or Israel will take control. But we, Israel, don’t seem to manage to do it – we punish, that’s what we manage to do. We know how to use the stick but we don’t use the carrot good enough.

The PA on the other hand, will probably manage to take control. It might be that they pushing people on the street to do it so they will get control over it. The PA wants to control east Jerusalem. It might be that all game is about it. Temple mount is just an excuse.

Take Care

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