February 18th 2008 – I Love You



Hey girl,

I hope that you read your mail, If not it will probably be good for me to write down. What I feel.

I am sorry I am such a heavy person. And if you don’t want to read that, It’s OK for me. I am not sure you gonna read it anyway, what makes it easier to write it down.

I Love You.

I really try to convince myself that I don’t. That you’re far away, that I won’t see you for God knows how long. I am good at that stuff, at least I was… I’m sorry I can’t. I can’t do that. I can’t forget you, I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t if you read what I have written for you, or you just throw it away through the window. Only one thing I manage to do – stop think about you during the classes – because you said you didn’t want me to that. You said you gonna make a religion after you, you gonna be the Goddess.

the Jewish people believe in the Ten commandments. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, but the first one says – “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me“. That’s how I feel about you. When my mother was so happy to see I melting- she had a good reason. I never was like that before.

I don’t know what was that for you. I don’t know – having fun or something else. Something deeper.

I want to talk with you. If you don’t want, If you don’t want to tell me, if you feel nothing, if…

Do what ever you feel like. I’m only asking to know.

Don’t answer if you don’t feel like.
take care,
Love You

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