Passover dishes 🍽️

I did tell you about Passover holiday we have several times already and all that surrounding this holiday, but I am not sure I have told you about those speical Passover dishes.

I am not talking about the Passover Seder plate you make for the Seder, that is a different thing. I am talking about dishes that are kosher for Passover.

Yep, it is not enough for the food to be Kosher – you also need the dishes to be Kosher. And not only the dishes – the fork, knife and spoon as well. Not to talk about the pots, pans and bowls.

Thinking about it would not surprise you if you would knew the rules of Kosher food. It is always not only the food itself that need to be Kosher but all the tools you are using to eat it.

So religous families have two regular sets of dishes, knife, spoon, etc… for day to day to day. Yes, two: one for meat food and one for dairy food. And another two sets of dishes for Passover. Again, one set for meat food and one for dairy food.

So each religous family has four of dishes in total. So even you are just 4 people in the family you should have at least 16 dishes, 16 knives, 16 spoons and on it goes.

I guess it worth been vegetrian just to reduce the number of dishes you have in your kitchen….

Take Care

Taking down Passover dishes just before the seder

Taking down Passover dishes just before the Seder

It is not only about men food and dishes, we had to bring Xuxa special food as her regular dog food is not Kosher for Passover.