February 15th , 2015 – Dolev, Israel

envelopeFebruary 15th , 2015
Dolev, Israel


We spent this weekend in Atzva parents house in Dolev.
Because they are religious Jews, we kind of keeping the Shabat the Jewish way: Don’t use electricity, don’t cook, don’t drive…
What do you do on day like that? When it is cold and you can’t even walk outside? – Eat, Drink, Talk and Sleep =) (If you are religious you spend pretty much of the time praying).
I took one of Atzva books last time we were there – The Coincidencers by Yoav Blom. This time I took one of her sister books – What in God’s Name by Simon Rich.
The books were… how should I put it… Kind of similar. The plot was different, but both of the books has the same subject – Angels that help us in our life. It was like reading two books of same series
I guess non had read the other book’s before writing, because they were probably changing or transforming their book.
It already happened to me, to read two books so similar that you could of thought that one had copied from the other. One of the books was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer . I don’t remember the other book’s name. But this time the whole thing gets kind of Ironic: By a coincidence I read books about angels responsible for coincidences hahahah…. =)

Take Care

Tonight two attacks against a Synagogue and Christine caricaturists that published Caricature that insulted Muhammad (I still wonder how do you insult a dead man…).
Religion war? no way….

The cover of the book What in God's Name by Simon Rich - BooksThe cover of the book What in God’s Name by Simon Rich

The Coincidences by Yoav Blom - BooksThe Coincidences by Yoav Blom

 The waves of the storm that passed us this weekend, managed to break down the concrete on the esplanade in Haifa beach. - Books The waves of the storm that passed us this weekend, managed to break down the concrete on the esplanade in Haifa beach.