Hurvat Midras (Midras Ruins)

We had a nice morning hike to Hurvat Midras, which hosts many hiding tunnel from Bar Kokhba revolt time.

There are also many ruins around it, as the name Hurvat Midras suggest (ruins of Midras): Synagogue (or Roman temple), Byzantine church, and the remains of the city of Midras itself.

We met Donnie and his kids what made it a nice family trail, except for his news.

It was good we were not there alone as I went to sleep and woke up with pain in the throat. This, with my built up claustrophobia, made me turn around and get out (Atzva had some horrible days with her allergy, so she did not even tried)

Take Care

Climbing up the blue trail - Hurvat Midras
Climbing up the blue trail

The Bell cave and the hiding system. They called bell caves as they are in a shape of a bell that was formed when the water drop down the soft chalk rock and melts it away. The Bell cave and the hiding system. They called bell caves as they are in a shape of a bell that was formed when the water drop down the soft chalk rock and melts it away. - Hurvat Midras
The Bell cave and the hiding system. They called bell caves as they are in a shape of a bell that was formed when the water drop down the soft chalk rock and melts it away.

Crawling in the hiding system
Crawling in the hiding system

The hiding system map (Source: The cave research center)

The right way out - Hurvat Midras
The right way out

The way Donnie went out...🤭
The way Donnie went out…🤭

A burial cave from the 2nd temple period. The body was laid down until the meat was gone, and then the bones were collected. Much more efficent and less area consuming then today method of burial - Hurvat Midras

A burial cave from the 2nd temple period. The body was laid down until the meat was gone, and then the bones were collected. Much more efficent and less area consuming then today method of burial
A burial cave from the 2nd temple period. The body was laid down until the meat was gone, and then the bones were collected. Much more efficent and less area consuming then today method of burial

Another bell cave - Hurvat Midras
Another bell cave

The pyramid
The pyramid

This stepped pyramid shaped structure built of dressed stone is the only one in Israel. - Hurvat Midras
This stepped pyramid shaped structure built of dressed stone is the only one in Israel.
The base is about 10m and it height at the present is about 3.5 meter high. Apparently the top three rows of stone, which would have brought its original height to 5 meters, are missing.
The pyramid is located in the cemetery of the ancient settlement of Midras Ruins, and was probably a monument to individuals buried in the cave below. This type of monument is known kn Hebrew as Nefesh (soul)

Looking North on Judean lowlands toward Beit Shemesh
Looking North on Judean lowlands toward Beit Shemesh

The Synagogue or Roman temple - Hurvat Midras
The Synagogue or Roman temple

The Colubarium cave

The Colubarium cave - Hurvat Midras

The Colubarium cave
The Colubarium cave (Plural: Columbaria) means dovecote in Greek. Hundreds of cave of this type were found in the Judean lowlands, usually in vicinity of ancient settlements.
Dozsns of small niches of various sizes, raging in depth from 15 to 25 cm, were craved into the walls of the columbarium. Scholars believe that doves were raised in those niches for food and to use their dung as fertilizer. The dove may also been used to ritual purposes.
The raising of doves was apparently a significant part of the economy of Judean lowlands during the Hellenistic and Roman periods

Goats herding around the site - Hurvat Midras
Goats herding around the site

The ruin of the Byzantine church, and the beautiful mosaic had been found in it on 2011 (and was destroyed) (Source: Wikipedia) The ruin of the Byzantine church, and the beautiful mosaic had been found in it on 2011 (and was destroyed) (Source: Wikipedia) - Hurvat Midras
The ruin of the Byzantine church, and the beautiful mosaic had been found in it on 2011 (and was destroyed) (Source: Wikipedia)

Self service goat cheese station at Srigim Li-On
Self service goat cheese station at Srigim Li-On

Pick what you wish and leave the money at the box - Hurvat Midras
Pick what you wish and leave the money at the box