Is Bibi going down? 👩‍⚖️

I tried to spend my last Saturday nights in Petah Tikva. No, there isn’t a good pub over there, or a good friend. And as smart guy once sang “I don’t believe I live in Petah Tikva:  Arsim, eldery people and Bnei Akiva!” (it sounds even worse in Hebrew…). So why I wanna get there? to protest. for the investigation of Bibi.

This week is the 37 week in a row that people gather under the house Attorney general of IsraelAvichai Mandelblit to protest investigation. They demand that he will advice to open  an investigation against PM Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi). As always the media didn’t pay any attention to the demonstrations until it became violence (from the the police side), sometime around June. It moved a bit further but got the attention of more people that join the protest.

the police told the court that Bibi is suspected of bribery and fraud
Bibi former aide got to a deal to became a state witness
And still the general attorney waits… for what? Look like there is more than enough to get Bibi to court.

There are 4 cases the police question with regard to Bibi:

  • Case 1000 – getting “gifts” from Arnon Milchan and  James Packer. and in return helped the purchase Channel 10.
    Case 2000 – hurt a free newspaper and getting a positive coverage in its main rival newspaper.
  • Case 3000 – The submarine affair in which  businessman got commissions for purchasing submarines that might not be necessary. Bibi took the final decision of the purchasing,  and 3 out of the 6 suspects have connection to him.
  • Case 4000 – Bezeq affair in which Bibi as communication minister and his replacement prevent a competition in part of the telecom market in Israel, and kept the monopoly of Bezeq.

And with all that? there is still no official investigation. In the past it took the general attorney 2 to 7 months to submit an indictment from the point police recommendations to set charges against PM . But even if will be one – it still not sure Bibi will go down…

Take Care